Benchtops Wood 3

CABINETMAKERS & INSTALLERS JOBS available throughout Auckland


Cabinetmaker / Installers perm JOBS available throughout Auckland. Residential, interiors, kitchens plus.
$ neg, paying well, overtime, incentives

CABINETMAKERS & INSTALLERS JOBS available throughout Auckland

Cabinetmaker & Installers JOBS available in all areas of Auckland, NZ. Experience essential.
Variety of work. PERM job. $ good wage rates, overtime, vehicles, incentive

Full time Permanent JOBS available for CABINETMAKERS & INSTALLERS throughout Auckland,
in all areas – North Shore, West, East, Manukau & South Auckland.

Variety of jobs / work including and cabinetry, interiors, kitchens (residential) some semi commercial.

Established employers offering good, fair and encouraging wages and working environments.

Some companies offering employer aid medical aid, others have incentive overtime rates, installers jobs come with van & fuel. There are some great opportunities working directly for employers for starts ASAP.

  • Proven experience in Cabinetmaking & Installing
  • Pro-active, physically fit with a positive attitude
  • Fluent communication skills
  • Eligible to work in New Zealand

Type:        Full time permanent position

Wage:       Different with each job & negotiable with the application as to skills and level of experience

Based:      Throughout Auckland North Shore, Auckland 

APPLY directly by contacting us via details below:

PATRICIA Mawhinney

Appointments Recruitment Specialists

Mobile:           021 500 653

Phone:            09 478 9954

Free Ph:         0800 030 125



If you have contacted Appointments before, you are welcome to do so once again, we would be pleased to hear from you!


Cabinetmaking, Installer